OSCE Assessment

OSCEs are a key part of a medical school’s assessment strategy. At Manchester Medical School we have been using Form2 capture OSCE assessments for over 12 months. The system has worked flawlessly reducing the error rate on marksheets from over 20% on the paper versions to virtually zero on Form2.
Each station examiner is equipped with an iPad and Form2 is used to mark each candidate on a pre-populated form. All the examiner needs to do is slect the relavnt mark for that student and leave feedback. Examiners love the ability to mark quickly and accurately and easily provide legible feedback, with over 90% of examiners finding the system easy to use.
The collection and collation of marks is now more secure and considerably quicker. The system easily deals with the 7500 exam sheets collected each year and because the system works offline, we are not dependent on the local WiFi. Completed forms are stored locally on the iPad until a connection is made. Now the assessment team can turn around the results and feedback to students in a fraction of the time it took with paper forms
A Return on Investment calculation based on time saved and printed costs shows an annual saving of £35,000 against the use of paper marksheets and an Optical Mark Reader. Form2 has resulted in increased student and examiner satisfaction, cost savings for the School and reduced stress for the assessment team.